Feb 18, 2013

Updates for this Sunday
Venue confirmed as
Crafty Bride Wedding Stationery Studio
Kilkenny Retail centre
James St
Marion has organised Superquinn Parking all day €3.00 collect your ticket as normal going in, and Marion will exchange it for the Special price one.

Bring a packed lunch and some soft drinks
Tea/coffee supplied all day.
Bring a cushion (you'll thank me.)
If you have a glue gun bring it as this helps speed up the class.

Morning everyone
So many people stopped by over the weekend
4 left a comment
so hello to Aileen, Michelle, Katya and Kay.
Thank you for taking the time.
I really appreciate it.

I am almost there for my First wedding Stationery Workshop for
 The Crafty Bride Wedding Stationery Studio in Kilkenny

Here are a few photos of some of the items I will be demonstrating in the morning
I have 6 complete Designs to share
and in the Afternoon you will make 1 complete set of stationery.
we are working in groups of 6 and each group will make one of the sets.
so every table will be different,
you will also receive 3 more wedding invitation cards to make at home, in different colour schemes.
I have so enjoyed working on the samples for this workshop
But boy was it hard, as it was like 6 classes for 1 day.
really looking forward to meeting all the brides
and their mums/friends
I will open my new Bridal stationery Guide page early next week,
 I just need to up load a few more photos.
all the best


  1. Oooohhhh! I feel like getting married again :)

  2. Thanks Ladies, I am so looking forward to teaching this class, I have so many crafty wedding ideas to share,
    thanks for comments, Yvonne xx

  3. They look lovely Yvonne Orla and myself cant wait till Sunday see you then

  4. Thanks Kathleen, we have a great day planned, looking forward to seeing you both


Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate, you taking the time to leave one. and will do my best to answer every one.
Yvonne xx